Hi folks! If you’ve ever wondered what kind of questions to ask on your FAQ page on your wedding website, you’ve come to the right place. These are the questions I asked on mine, and here are my answers! Feel free to copy them and tweak them to how they see fit!
when are the rsvps due?
We’d love to know if you can make it (we hope you can!) Please RSVP by {DATE} using the RSVP section in the menu.
what should i do if i can’t make it?
We promise we will not be offended! If you simply can not make it to the wedding, please let us know as soon as possible and RSVP “no,” so we can plan accordingly. You will be missed!
are kids invited?
We love your kids—we really do. But we want our wedding to be your night off! So, no kids 🙂
can i bring a date?
If your invitation says “and Guest,” then yes, if not, we would prefer if it was just you.
what’s the dress code?
I had an October backyard wedding so this was my dress code:
Garden Attire: Wear wrap dresses, soft fall floral prints, and suits (not tux) in lighter hues. I’d love to see some of ya’ll in a velvet dresses 😉 The grass can be a little soft, so you might want to rethink stilettos! This is an outdoor space in October so it might get a little chilly at night—we recommend bringing a shawl or light jacket.
does your wedding have a theme?
I don’t have a theme except that it’s based on light summer and light autumn colors 🙂
where are you registered at?
Your presence is gift enough! But since you asked, we have a honeymoon fund and we are registered at Target.
how do i get to the venue?
Since we had a backyard wedding at my matron of honor’s house, parking was going to be limited so this is what we had:
Please try carpooling! Parking will be at the Applebees on 3145 Middle Country Rd, Lake Grove, NY 11755. Please arrive at 3:30 PM. There will be shuttle cars going back and forth from 3:30-3:45 PM taking guests to the wedding location.
what time should we be there?
We kindly ask guests to arrive at 3:30 PM to the Applebees parking location so the shuttle car can take you to the wedding location. Ceremony will start at 4 PM sharp so please arrive at the parking location on time. Parking location : 3145 Middle Country Rd, Lake Grove, NY 11755
what happens after the ceremony?
After the ceremony, Sammy and I will be taking pictures nearby for around an hour. Guests can stay at the house where we will be serving appetizers and beverages a.k.a cocktail hour. Then we come back, make our grand entrance and dance, dance, dance! Then food! So there’s no need to go anywhere because everything is back to back at the same place!
will there be food and drinks served?
Oh yes there will! We will have appetizers during cocktail hour, buffet style dinner, wedding cake, and desserts! Our main mission is to make you stuffed!
what if i have a dietary restriction?
Please let us know! We want you to be safe and comfortable!
will there be dancing/entertainment?
You should already know 😉
will the shuttle cars be available at the end of the wedding?
We encourage our guests to help each other out towards the end of the wedding as the shuttle cars might be limited at that time.
may i take a centerpiece/candle/flowers home as a souvenir?
Nope, please don’t take any as we are renting them 🙂 Thank you!
can i take and post pictures of the wedding on social media?
Yes, but please be mindful of my photographer walking around. HE is the photographer capturing our wedding day! Please take videos for me though!! And hashtag everything #OnCloudNino so we can see!
i still have questions, what is the best way to contact you?
Just message us! We’ll be glad to answer any questions. Please do not pull a Meredith and text me on the day of my wedding. (The Office joke)
Well there you have it, these questions are super important to have so everyone is on the same page.
Hope it helps!